First and foremost, let me start this blog by welcoming you, our reader to it. This is the third blog I've started. Personally, this is one blog in which I'm going to have fun writing. Up to now, I've enjoyed writing "Through the eyes of a Londoner," a subject in which I absolutely enjoy and continue to enjoy.
This blog is designed to showcase my latest interest in Photography. I take straight shots, edited shots, abstract, oils, chalk, black and white, and more.
Each and every shot I've taken and edited for selling online (hence my best work) can be found here. If you enjoy them as I do, you're welcome to purchase them via Redbubble and Zazzle (more on these third-party sellers later).
I heartily recommend that if you love them, you test buy them by purchasing them as postcards or as greeting cards if you want to try them, that way you'll get a feel for the prints before splashing out on the larger frames and canvasses.
please comment on them via this blog as I would like to get an idea of what you think of them.
Last of all, please return regularly, as you will find more examples of my work on a regular basis.
Kind regards,
Richard A. Ray